Moral Development Project 2025 of CPPE

   Moral Development Project 2025 of CPPE
               Moral Development Project 2025 of CPPE develop the organization into a model virtuous organization by setting activities under 5 virtues: sufficiency, discipline, honesty, volunteerism, and gratitude.
     The activities under the project include 1) 5S activities under the sufficiency virtue, 2) the campaign to come to work on time under the virtue of discipline, 3) the joint declaration of intention to drive the virtuous organization of the CPPE under the virtue of honesty, 4) the 100 Good Deeds of the 4th year under the virtue of volunteerism, and 5) the activity to ask for blessings from the executives of the Office of Agricultural Economics on New Year's Day under the virtue of gratitude. Overall, the project has achieved 98 percent success, with details as follows:
     5S activities All personnel of the CPPE, from the target of 80 percent of personnel, participated in the 5S activities by cleaning the work rooms of each section and their own desks, including the walkways to make them clean, orderly, and beautiful, ready for work, convenient, and not disturbing colleagues and visitors.
     Campaign for on-time attendance After the campaign, lateness decreased according to the target, with an average of seventeen lateness, a decrease of four times or 19 percent from before the campaign, when there was an average of 21 lateness, which is in line with the campaign target. The average number of lateness tends to decrease, indicating that the personnel of the CPPE have continuously changed their behaviors.
     The joint declaration of intention to drive the organization of virtue of the CPPE on January 20, 2025, Dr. Chatchapol Sayaphan, Director of the CPPE, along with all personnel of the CPPE from the target of 80 percent of personnel, jointly communicated and symbolically expressed their drive of the CPPE's virtuous organization at the lobby on the first floor of the Innovation Building, Office of Agricultural Economics, to enhance morality, ethics, and encourage personnel to be aware of and comply with the common intention.
     The 100 Good Deeds activity, Year 4, was carried out by the CPPE, inviting personnel to join in doing good deeds for society in their own form between December 3, 2024 and April 16, 2025, to collect as good deeds for society of the CPPE. Results of the activity on February 28, 2025, 102 personnel participated in the activity out of 114 personnel of the CPPE, or 89 percent, who participated in the activity. There were 102 good deeds for society, with 60 percent donating money, 19 percent supporting religion, 10 percent donating items, 5 percent donating blood, 4 percent distributing water and food, and 3 percent doing things, such as cutting hair for the elderly, cleaning temple bathrooms, running for charity, etc.
     Activity to ask for blessings from the executives of the Office of Agricultural Economics on New Year's Day All personnel of the CPPE, from the target of 80 percent of personnel, participated in the activity.

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